Daily Blog, Life


The story begins in my childhood. We had an analog photo camera and my brother could use it than me. And it seemed somehow I got envy (in a good way) and I got my motivation that I wanna learn how to make good photos.

And time to time I came back to this hobby, and I felt that I should at least make it serious, because there are so much moment has that we need to immortalize for the future (and maybe that’s why I start to write)

One key moment in this story was after Breakpoint 2005 in Bingen am Rhein. I took some photos from the BASS concert (e.g. like this) and Truck (our beloved American friend) who commented that he loved the picture that he wanted for 36 years…….. …… …… …… :O  (Ok, this year I thanked it to him, because it was massive bash me on the head that REALLY I have to take this earnestly.

And then my dream was to buy or able to use a DSLR camera. And my husband Gabor told me once 3-4 years ago that “you can use mine.” :O He also have this hobby so when we travelling taking lots of photos from the same object/buildings/food. But sometimes his pictures are better than mine, because use different/better techniques. But it’s ok. I’m in progress and I’m in a good hands. (from who always get some more tips). I love to speaking with my friends who also have this free time craziness.